19.11.2018 -- During the 5. Border Management & Identity Conference (BMIC) in Bankok, Stephan D. Hofstetter from SECOIA will be presenting a paper on predictive policing.
The 5th Border Management & Identity Conference (BMIC) will be hosted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and is organised by APSCA in Bangkok in December 2018.
The 5th conference now has an EXPANDED FOCUS ON IDENTITY MANAGEMENT, in addition to the comprehensive coverage of border management issues and developments.
The rapidly increasing volume and frequency of cross border movements and migration present significant challenges for government authorities responsible for border management and identity.
We are honored by the invitation to speak on the subject of "Predictive Policing and Potential Benefits for Border Management". We will be speaking on December 12, 11.55-12.15, alongside knowledgable speakers Ms. Sihwa Kim, Assistant Deputy Director, Border Control Division, Government of the Republic of Korea and Mr. Ilukpitiyage Srinath Harshadea Jayasena Ilukpitiya, Commissioner, Department for Registration of Persons, Government of Sri Lanka
