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XXI CLARCIEV meeting 2024: Civil Registry in digital ages and the path towards standards

Updated: Oct 5, 2024

Stephan D. Hofstetter, Managing Partner of SECOIA, has been invited as a keynote speaker on the stage of the CLARCIEV meeting. He will speak in his capacity as an expert and one of the editors of the CEN TS14789 standard under development, and will seek to engage in a multilateral exchange to learn from regional efforts and to inform about the progress made by the national standardisation bodies represented.

The European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) is recognised by the EU as the body responsible for the development of voluntary standards at European level. The members of CEN are the National Standards Bodies (NSB) of 34 European countries. In addition, CEN partners are non-European NSBs and (European) organisations. CEN/TC 224/WG19 prepares the CEN/Technical Specification (TS) 17489 series "Secure and Interoperable European Breeder Documents".

Under the focus of "Civil Registry in digital ages: Path towards standards", the presentation will cover the mandate, scope and different approaches of the working group. The focus is twofold: to inform about the efforts and, more importantly, to engage in a lively dialogue to learn from the various stakeholders about their views on the many aspects to be considered.

Join us in São Paulo, Brazil between 03. and 05. July 2024. The event has restrictive participation rules.


Latin American and Caribbean Council of Civil Registry, Identity and Vital Statistics (CLARCIEV) brings together Civil Registry institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean, with the aim of providing a forum for the exchange of experiences in the registration and identification of persons and promoting support among registry institutions. With 19 member countries it promotes the right to identity in the region and supports regional actions to achieve universal birth registration by 2030.

With the aim of integrating private companies that work in registration and identification issues, CLARCIEV enables a technology fair which provides a space for company representatives to present their products and share their experiences in the search for common solutions to registration and identification challenges. The CLARCIEV meetings bring together civil registration and identification offices from Latin America and the Caribbean. It is the main space for the exchange of practices and knowledge on civil identity in the region. The CLARCIEV meets annually in a host country to discuss legal, administrative, procedural, and technological aspects related to legal identity. 

The Program for Universal Civil Identity in the Americas (PUICA) of the Organization of American States (OAS) is the Executive Secretariat of the Council. Founded in 2005, CLARICIEV is the only regional entity in the Americas that focuses on the challenges related to civil registration, identification, and the right to identity.


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