CROC-Security Substrate & Performance testing
Security Documents need to be appropriate for their respective use-case. Traveldocuments, Personal-IDs, Camp-management, Landtitles, vital records etc. In many cases the documents are exposed to severe use. On one hand due to exposure to the elements. On the other hand due to the way the documents are stored or carried.
The material used for the CROC-system is based on paper made of synthetic fibres. It resembles in the make traditional security papers. However, it's robustness to the elements compares more to plastic films.
The advantage over the plastic films is evident: It integrates essential security features as required in the minimum-security standards stipulated by international organizations.

The CROC substrate combines the best characteristics of security paper, plastic card films and nonwoven textiles..
The CROC-substrate is long-time proven, with its original formulation ranging back over 50 years and having been applied in numerous governmental use-cases. The new generation has been further improved for performance, personalization, security.
Images displaying: (a) watermark and visible fibres, (b) UV-fluorescent fibres, (c) chemical markers, (d) use case of emergency travel document
√ Custom watermark
√ UV-dull material
√ Visible security fibres
√ UV-fibres
√ 3rd level features
√ Planchettes
√ Chemical markers
√ IR reactive pigments
√ Hotstamping OVDs
√ Dye-cutting, dye-punching, sowing
√ Offset, Silk-Screen, Intaglio, Letterpress
√ Toner-Laser, Ink-Jet, ballpoint, stamps (according to config)
√ Weight:
√ Substrate colour
√ Ageing
√ Tear-strength
150g/m2 (100 - 300 g/m2 possible
off-white (other colours possible)
Certified to ISO/IEC 9706; DIN 6738 lifespan class 24-85
up to 2000mN (with 300g/m2: up to 5000mN)
"Robust" signifies heavy duty documents, fit to meet extaordinary challenges. The team of SECOIA had alot of fun to test the overal document, including substrate, personalization and security seal.
Movie 1
Trailer abstracting the tests in 1 minute. You will see:
Document rolled over by a tank
15km / 9mi hike with the document under the shoe
Document "beaten" by monster-trucks
Submitted to dirt and gravel, rolled-over by 26to caterpillar
Submerged in flowing river for 33years (documented event on a previous version.
Movie 2
Extended version, providing more impressive insights into the extraordinary properties of the CROC-Document
√ Combining advantages of paper and plastic documents
√ flexible sizing and configuration
√ Long trackrecord
√ Made in Europe
√ Extraordinary dirt and humidity robustness
√ Full security paper preconfiguration
√ Optional bespoke watermark
√ Flexible formfactor, expandable to specific usecase